
Explore all integration possibilities

With our unification features, Testportal can operate as a part of your website or software.

Simple solutions are the best

Put a dedicated link to an online assessment on your website to make sure no one misses an important evaluation. It is the most convenient way to redirect your respondents to Testportal.

Yellow Stick
Green Stick
Green Light Stick
 Web browser's address bar with a shining, green padlock icon.

Embed a test into your website’s body

You can make the Testportal website appear “framed” within yours with just some simple coding. Embedded tests will then appear as an indigenous part of your system.

Yellow Decoration
Purple Decoration
Colorful fragments of a website code.

Seamless, full API integration with your system

Enable connectivity and interactions between data from Testportal and your software. API will allow your respondents to receive authorizations, start their tests and get results directly from your system.

Green Stick
Green Light Stick
Purple Light Stick
 Dwo screens with internet code and a man's hand pointing to fragment of the code.
Dark hair woman wearing glasses, sitting behind a desk and looking at her laptop.

Touch base with our professional Customer Success team

We will be happy to share with you the details of Testportal’s advanced customization and integration options.