
AI-powered question generator

Create quizzes, tests, and exams 10 times faster. Experience the AI-driven revolution in assessment creation today.


Generate questions from text, files and more

Why generate questions with AI?

Green duotone lightbulb icon.

Get inspired

You don't have to start from scratch! Use Testportal platform as your co-pilot and get started in seconds with AI-generated question ideas.

Green duotone coffee cup icon.

Speed up work

No time? No problem! Simply tell Testportal AI what kind of questions you need. Upload your source of knowledge and let our platform work its magic. It only takes a minute.

Green duotone horizontal sliders icon.

Create variants of questions

Our AI can generate different versions of questions to the same content. To use this feature, simply reupload your file and let our algorithms try a new approach.

Create questions 10x faster

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Loved by users


Simposium Digital HC

One of the best AI tools on the market today! This tool has saved me hours of work in creating tests for my target audience and my colleagues in the department. The possibility to analyze internal documents on a certain topic and create questions around it is incredibly useful.

Bruno Ferreira


Question generator from text and files

Testportal AI can generate questions and answers based on your content, such as product or service information, technical specifications, and more. To get started, simply upload the relevant files or copy and paste the content directly. Providing more information as input will result in higher quality questions. Once generated, all questions will be available for your review.

Green Stick
Green Light Stick
Purple Light Stick
Questions based on content you upload

Question generator on selected topics

Perfect solution for hiring managers who need to assess candidates but want to speed-up the test-making processes and get inspired. Simply enter the topic to which you want your AI-generated content to relate and let Testportal deliver question ideas. That's an excellent starting point. You can always modify your questions, add more, and enrich them with media.

Green Decoration
Green Light Decoration
Questions on selected topics

How to use AI-generated questions?

After the AI generates questions, you have the freedom to decide what to do next.

Create online tests, quizzes, or exams

Share AI-generated questions with your respondents in just a few clicks. Use questions directly in Testportal.

Download and print

You can download test sheets with AI-generated questions any time.

API to generate questions

Testportal offers API, allowing your software to leverage the capabilities of the market's best question generator.

Green and Purple Light Sticks

What is AI question generator?

An AI question generator harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to simplify the process of creating questions from text. This innovative tool applies machine learning to interpret your provided text, subsequently crafting relevant questions. It can also generate questions on selected topics from the sources generally available in the internet.

Imagine possessing a hefty document and the task of constructing a quiz or study guide. Our tool relieves this burden by using AI to develop insightful questions directly from your text. This automated process saves time, enhances efficiency, and ensures reliable outcomes.

This tool is really handy for trainers, customer service teams, and sales departments.

The underlying technology involves natural language processing and a transformer-based model, which can understand context, semantics, and even nuances in language.

Generating questions from text using AI is more than just a technological advancement - it represents a transformation in our interaction with information. With this tool, experience the numerous benefits of automated question creation and observe a significant boost in your efficiency.

Purple Light Stick


No, there's no character limit. Feel free to upload content of any length, and Testportal's AI will generate questions from it.

Our AI-based question generator supports all languages.

Absolutely. Rest assured, the materials you upload to Testportal remain exclusively yours. We value and respect your privacy.

Generating questions using our AI is included in all business plans at no additional cost.

Testportal is equipped with an advanced multiple-choice question (MCQ) generator. But it's not just about MCQs. You also have the flexibility to create short answer and essay questions.

Advanced AI-Powered Import

Already have prepared questions? Take them online!

Import any test, quiz or exam you have and turn it into a professional online assessment. With Testportal, it's as easy as a walk in the park. We can process any of your content and turn it into digital resources, ready for you to deploy.

Testportal AI is ready. Try it now.

No waiting lists. No strings attached. Get your free account today and experience the full power of automated test question generation.

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Powerful features

Photo of two margherita pizzas on a table.
A window with lots of post-it notes and a hand with a pen, writing on one of the notes.